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Compatible avec votre animal de compagnie ?



This book is for all people who love animals and live with them. Like a member of your family, he is part of your daily life. But for a perfect harmony, what better way to know his astrological sign and his main character to see if you are both comptible. If you already have an animal and know its date of birth, or if you intend to adopt or buy one, this book will give you some clues: what is the animal that fits your temperament, your expectations, the one that is most compatible with your lifestyle ? Nothing is more precious than sharing these moments of tenderness and complicity with your faithful friend.

ISBN : 9782716318143

Title :

Compatible avec votre animal de compagnie ?

Release title : 18/05/2023

Page number : 276

Format : 15 x 20

About the author

Stella Zimmermann, astrologer trained in astropsychology for many years. Long an editor of horoscopes for a magazine, she is increasingly passionate about the animal world and has just completed a training in naturopathy for animal care and welfare. She lives and works in Brumath (67).

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