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Everything you never learnt about english


Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4

This textbook for self-tuition is meant for anyone whose command of both spoken English and grammar is already extensive and wishes to improve their pronunciation, as well as their oral and written expression, as an alternative to a protracted stay in an English-speaking environment.

It is the first book published in France to deal specifically with the advanced level, and especially caters for TOEIC and TOEFL candidates, translators, teachers and students, as well as anyone working with English on a daily basis in their professional lives.

It sets out simple rules which make it possible to pronounce, but also to write any English word the proper way. The vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and words from everyday English and even slang are related to the working world, business, law, politics as well as sports.

The 200-odd exercises presented in this user-friendly textbook come with corrections and explanations.

ISBN : 9782716317023

Title :

Everything you never learnt about english

Release title : 05/12/2019

Page number : 396

Format : 16 x 24

About the author

Former professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, John Paul Batisse gives private courses in enterprises.

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