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Manuel d’auto-réflexologie



In this book, Aline Despeisse presents the best reflex gestures that she uses and advises for 48 years.

She describes several gestures from finger pressure on the body, to breathing exercises and stretching.

We learn to strengthen our internal metabolisms, our natural immunity but also to calm our mind to face the repetitive stress to radiate our vital force.

Drawing on her long experience, she explains how coming out of «autopilot» makes us responsible and makes each of us the main actor of our health – without risk and without adverse effects. 

This manual, to be used on a daily basis.

ISBN : 9782716317337

Title :

Manuel d’auto-réflexologie

Release title : 08/09/2022

Page number : 174

Format : 15 x 22

About the author

Aline Despeisse has been practising and teaching for nearly 50 years techniques from the holistic approach of Chinese medicine which she has completed with her knowledge in herbal medicine, Kinesiology and Bach Flowers. Based near Avignon, she practices as a therapist and leads reflexology workshops for audiences of all ages.

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