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Cours 2 complet de naturopathie



Complementary to the first book published on the fundamental themes of naturopathy and the methods of assessment and care to put into practice, this second volume explores in more detail the large family of herbal medicine and its application.

You will find:

• The use and benefits of the different branches of herbal medicine: aromatherapy, gemmotherapy and Dr. Bach’s elixirs,

• More than 90 detailed plant records based on their uses, properties and benefits throughout the body and depending on the person’s terrain.

Thanks to 15 lessons accessible to all, this book is aimed at all those who wish to deepen their knowledge for a greater autonomy, as well as future naturopaths. The exercises and their answers will allow you to check his knowledge.

Nature offers us a multitude of healthy remedies in harmony with our body. More than ever, naturopathy is a choice for the future.

ISBN : 9782716317931

Title :

Cours 2 complet de naturopathie

Release title : 1/9/2022

Page number : 528

Format :

About the author

Pierre and Valérie Silvestre are naturopathic practitioners from the founding school of Fenaham, Euro Nature, whose Toulouse branch will be run for four years by Pierre himself. Twenty-five years of naturopathic practice and distance training practice allowed them to continue exploring the techniques of well-being with as leitmotiv: the evolution of consciences, respect for the animal world, nature and the planet. This approach is entirely part of an ecological and eco-philosophical approach.
Pierre and Valérie Silvestre are naturopathic practitioners from the founding school of Fenaham, Euro Nature, whose Toulouse branch will be run for four years by Pierre himself. Twenty-five years of naturopathic practice and distance training practice allowed them to continue exploring the techniques of well-being with as leitmotiv: the evolution of consciences, respect for the animal world, nature and the planet. This approach is entirely part of an ecological and eco-philosophical approach.

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