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Pourquoi l’inceste ?



Oedipus complex is a crucial period in the evolution of any child. When it is well understood by parents, child tend to have an harmonious and quality love life in adulthood. On the other hand, when the Oedipus complex is prohibited or develops without limit, it could open to various pathological issues.The same applies to the parental oedipal complex (also called counter-oedipus complex by professionals) when the parents are “in love” or “jealous” of their child. According to the degree of evolution of the parents, it allows a healthy family functioning or, on the contrary, causes a dysfunction of the whole group, disrupting the parent-child relations going, over generations, from the behaviour of a king child to such serious problems as incest and anorexia nervosa. Beyond its relevance for psychologists and psychoanalysts, this book will allow parents, therapists, educators, adults wondering about their family histories, etc., to learn to make better use of the powerful feelings of love and jealousy inevitably experienced between parents and children.

ISBN : 9782716317740

Title :

Pourquoi l’inceste ?

Release title : 10/11/2021

Page number : 288

Format :

About the author

Clinical psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst, Eve Pilyser has worked for almost 30 years with children and their families, but also with adults and teenagers in rural or urban areas as well as in hospital at the child psychiatry service. At the heart of relational conflicts, emotional and intra-family blockages, problems around sexual abuses, especially  incestual context, she is also a member of the SFPA (Société Française de Psychologie Analytique), the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP), the College of Analytical Psychology (CPA) and the editorial board of the journal Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse. She has written several articles in the journal Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse.

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