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Sortir du réchauffement climatique



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A large part of emissions of CO2 issued from combustion of oil, gas, or coal remains mixed with the air and accumulates discreetly around the Earth, causing «the greenhouse effect». Beeing a major political issue for a large majority of States, the main actors are implementing new regulations without sufficient results. This book try to give solutions : how can we act individually as citizens to achieve collective efficiency and abandon the fossil fuels that we are used to using every day? (to warm up, move around, operate our electrical appliances). What are the solutions to change our habits? How to manage your purchases and monitor the corresponding quantities of CO2 so that you can reduce them to zero. How our eco-citizen actions can be ethical and effective? the author proposes to answer (without forgetting the main arguments for or against Nuclear or Renewable Energies).

ISBN : 9782716317863

Title :

Sortir du réchauffement climatique

Release title : 26/05/2022

Page number : 168

Format :

About the author

Engineer, Dominique de Rotalier worked in the steel industry for a long time. Three years spent in China as managing director of the Shanghai subsidiary forced him to be attentive to global issues. Back in Paris, the purchase decisions at the European group level for energy contracts and long-life investments make the issue of CO2 very present. He is now involved since fifteen years in associations for solving  “climate problem”.

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