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L’énergie source de guérison



Do you have health problems that conventional medicine like alternative medicine could not solve ? The pain is still there ? Have you ever wondered if it has a reason, a particular meaning, an origin that you did not suspect ? The author answers to these questions and makes you discover how the location of your disease is closely related to your feelings. Through several case studies and examples, the author explains, in a simple way, the universe of the energetic and the cyclical character of diseases. Understanding the origin, the cause, the sense of pain, of the disease, will allow you to (re)become an actor of your health by reactivating your internal self-healing process. When you get rid of energy blockages and you activate this process, you can get rid of these chronic pain.

ISBN : 9782716318327

Title :

L’énergie source de guérison

Release title : 29/02/2024

Page number : 162

Format : 13 x 21

About the author

Dietician, trained in naturopathy by Robert Masson (C.E.N.A), Alain Woit ran a herb-shop in Belgium for more than 20 years. He is now an energy specialist and practices in his office in Retinne (Belgium).

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