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La mort n’est pas une fin



Death is a moment of transformation and liberation: the soul is freed from pains and problems encountered in the previous life before a new incarnation. Natural phenomenon to which no one escapes, it remains taboo in our societies : death is often a source of fear or anger: we prefer not to talk about it. Rarely lived in a peaceful way, it raises many psychological traumas in the human being.In a simple and rational language, the author, who developed special gifts of consciousness and clairvoyance, explains in detail the 5 stages of soul death and transmigration – fueled by one’s own experiences (personal and professional) and traditional Buddhist knowledge. By opening the doors of the other world, he lifts our limiting beliefs about death and shows us how to live it peacefully.

ISBN : 9782716318389

Title :

La mort n’est pas une fin

Release title : 30/05/2024

Page number : 288

Format :

About the author

After studying journalism and a first job as a web designer, Marc Isenschmid decided to reconvert as a holistic therapist. For 24 years, he has been consulting his practice in Vevey (Switzerland) and helps his patients to overcome physical diseases, emotional and psychological problems, professional blockages and relational difficulties. He also leads classes and teaches his own therapeutic method, called Doors of Consciousness.

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