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101 “bobos” expliqués par la Médecine Energétique Chinoise



We all hurt somewhere someday, and some of us always have something broken. To spend our life taking tablets with anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving effects without having other explanations than chemistry, is to miss out on what animates life on Earth: Energy in all things.

Our minor “bobos” that occur at times for no apparent reason are actually helpful. These are the bright lights of our body to mobilize our attention on the presence of a disturbance. This book invites you to discover and explain how the changes in our energy are at the origin of these 101 most common”bobos”.

In the first chapter, some key points to understand Energy will help you in reading this book.

An index by theme in the last part of the book will help you find the question or answer you are looking for.

ISBN : 9782716315388

Title :

101 “bobos” expliqués par la Médecine Energétique Chinoise

Release title : 19/02/2015

Page number : 128

Format : 15x22

About the author

Graduated in Masso-physiotherapy (1992), Anne Ducasse worked in a liberal cabinet, in Dijon, until 2006. During this period, after having followed several complementary training in manual techniques, she received from 2000 to 2002, Jean-Claude Garnier's teaching, devoted to Chinese Energetics and Chinese Massage, of which she is a graduate. She is the founder of the massage technique that bears her name: Anne Ducasse Manual Bio-Energetic Technique® (T.M.B.E.A.D® in French). In order to transmit it to the paramedics, medical doctors and other manual therapists who are eager to complete their training, she created a school (administrative entity) that bears her name. Through this one, Anne Ducasse offers several trainings in T.M.B.E.A.D® and in Chinese Energetics which she dispenses throughout France and the French-speaking countries.

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