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Histoire de l’Ukraine – Des origines aux premières années de l’indépendance



The historical and political events that have taken place in Ukraine over the past decade are part of the global processes.  After a long time during which it was occulted by the Soviet Union, Ukraine takes place on the international stage: its population and its surface area roughly equal to France, its people qualification, cultural richness, natural resources and its geographical location at the other end of Europe, make it play a decisive role in the new European landscape. To understand the last events that happen in Ukraine since March 2022, involves knowing one’s history, often tragic, but also rich in the virtues of one’s people, attached to one’s land and culture, aware that they were the cradle of the whole of Slavic civilization.

ISBN : 9782716317979

Title :

Histoire de l’Ukraine – Des origines aux premières années de l’indépendance

Release title : 2005-3rd edition republished

Page number : 362

Format : 15x22

About the author

Arkady Joukovsky, born in 1992 in Chernivtsi (Ukraine), taught the history of Ukraine at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) in Paris (from 1960 to 1987). He is the author of monographs on Kiev metropolitan Petro Mohyla and the Kiev Academy (1615-1817). Through his works, he has helped to strengthen ties between Ukraine and France. Closely related to the elaboration of the first edition, was Irene Popowyez; while in this edition, the author has benefited from the assistance of O. Koieche Ruk, M. Maslow, V. Matyeva, I. Stepantchouk, N. Bilas, V. Guley.

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