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Les protéines végétales



Plant protein are more than ever a part of our daily meals! Because yes, their comeback in our diet upset the clichés and no, meatless diet is not a deficiency diet.

ISBN : 9782716317696

Title :

Les protéines végétales

Release title : 25/05/2017-3rd edition

Page number : 336

Format : 17 x 19

About the author

Pioneer in agrobiology and pratician of integrative medicine, Jean-Claude Rodet has been a nutritherapist for over forty years. He advocates for agricultural performance without the use of chemicals and for a new nutritional medicine, called nutritherapy. In 1991 he founded the International Institute for Research in Homeopathy and Biotherapy. In 1999, he and his wife created the Canadian association “médecins aux pieds nus” affiliated with Dr. Jean-Pierre Willem'one.

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