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144 facettes du zodiaque – T2 – L’Histoire du peuple hébreu et de Jésus


Par: Kléa

Zodiac, the authentic cosmic clock, is probably the emerald in 144 facets bequeathed to the humanity by it expanding Guide of light… Archaic Sound division in 12 x 12 got lost over time, before being found today: each governed by a planet, its landings of 2°30 ‘ allow to plan tendencies and opportunities of all which possesses a story. Such as these of the Hebrew people: of Abraham to last kings of Israel, all climbed this zodiacal way. Or such as the public life of Jesus Christ. He can seem audacious to demonstrate that it also joins on this zodiacal progress, but it begins with a sermon on a mountain and ends in an other one, that of the Golgotha: two heights governed by the Capricorn. As examples, Hiltler and Mother Teresa’astrological charts.

ISBN : 9782716315890

Title :

144 facettes du zodiaque – T2 – L’Histoire du peuple hébreu et de Jésus

Release title : 15/09/16

Page number : 592

Format : 15 x 22

About the author

Kléa wrote a number of specific books on numeroly, tarot cards and astrology. This book describes a very precise analysis of symbols related to numbers and lettres.

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