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Guide complet des pieds



Do you have a blister, a sprain, a hose, a hallux valgus or rigidus?
Do you have a back or hip pain? Are you stressed out?
Even if you don’t realize it, your feet speak to you when they are suffering. But are you able to hear them and what would you do without them ? The feet are too often neglected, neglected, unloved.
This book does not replace a health professional. The author makes you aware of the importance of your feet and how essential it is to take care of them. This book helps you to have the right gestures and techniques to take care of them.
With a detailed therapeutic index, quickly identify which natural remedies are right for you to apply effectively.
Give them well-being, learn to massage them, have a relaxing foot bath…
With simple explanatory boards, illustrations and typical sessions, discover the reflexology of the foot, also to treat sinusitis, sore throat, intestinal problems or muscle pain, etc.
In appendix, the author also makes us discover interviews of foot professionals, as well as historical and cultural information on foot, shoe, eroticism, fetishism, tattooing, art, sport, etc.

ISBN : 9782716318112

Title :

Guide complet des pieds

Release title : 9/2/2023

Page number : 320

Format : 17 x 22

About the author

Patricia Le Vaillant starts her career as a pharmacy technician. She is today a reflexologist and practices since eleven years in Brittany (29).

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