Poupées et bébés en celluloid
A journey through almost one century (1881-1979) of history in the unique world of Celluloid dolls. The book holds 200 color and B&W photos including archive shots. For every period in the history of the company, the most symbolic models created and made by the Industrial Society of Celluloid, the french Nobel Society, Petitcollin, Anel, Convert, Grillet, Raynal, Desrues, etc., are discussed in detail. We are taken on a journey to discover the swimmers and the babies with molded hair, dolls with wig or implanted hair, subjects in celluloid with molded clothes, characters from comic strips, mechanical toys, animals, rattles, balls; even windmills and musical instruments. Born in Paris in 1946, Elisabeth Chauveau, holder of a master’s degree in history and a Bachelor of art history, likes since his childhood dolls. Again President of the center of studies and searches(researches) on the doll ( CERP), she is the author of numerous articles on the subject and reference books
ISBN : 9782716314558
Title :
Release title : 23/06/2011
Page number : 216
Format : 23 x 23
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